Thnx Uwe,
You have a valid question that has come up more than once (hence please excuse the long answer

Obviously, not all new members are new off-roaders and they may have prior experience in driving both in clubs and / or on private trips. However, let me clarify the objectives of the Introduction to Oryx (ITO) trip and maybe establish a bit of context. Yes, ultimately the ITO gives first timers an overview of basic off-roading…but equally important, the ITO introduces our club style and gives information on correct / incorrect equipment which is beneficial even to drivers with experience. This is why we ask that all members (irrespective of previous experience) attend an ITO…to make sure they don’t show up with steel cables instead of snatch straps (yes it has happened) and understand our style of off-road trips (things like lead, second lead, sweeper, sequence, tracks, etc.).
Now getting to your question; Ultimately, yes, the marshal leading the specific trip can decide if a member can attend without having done an ITO. There have been trips for example where the marshal has been comfortable with a driver joining a trip without having done the ITO and others where they have not. It’s not a personal or an ego thing…it just depends on the nature of the trip. For example, a marshal may say no to a driver who hasn’t done an ITO before because he/she is planning some craziness on a specific trip and simply doesn’t want to take a risk - but that same marshal may be happy to accommodate the driver on another (more chilled out) trip planned for the day after.
I suggest that the member simply reaches out to the marshal…let your friend give the specific marshal of a trip a call or drop him a PM about a specific trip. If the marshal feels confident of the driver skills and ability to safely keep up…then it is
usually OK…they can join the trip and do an ITO at a later time…if the marshal doesn’t, (as mentioned above) it’s neither personal or an ego thing…it comes down to trip consistency, safety… and fun, we (including the Marshals) are doing this for fun right?
Hope this clarifies…feel free to stick your nose in further and I don’t eat eggs that often so don’t worry
WRT. to the flag - your point is noted, i agree that the flag is important for safety (besides looking cool

)...but the argument was that sometimes a driver hasn't had time to get a flag, doesn't yet know how / where to mount the flag on their vehicle, realize that a fishing rod can be used, we thought we would give them some time to take on a few trips and figure that one out. Let's debate this (and other things) on the next club meeting.