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Driving Level Rubric |
Posted by: admin - 03-26-2014, 10:43 PM - Forum: General Information
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1. TEACHABILITY – Does the driver display a willingness to take instruction?
2. COMMUNICATION – Does the driver communicate clearly, respectfully, and at appropriate times with Club Officials and other trip participants?
3. COMMITMENT – Does the driver regularly and often attend Club trips with an active interest in being part of the team?
(If NO, no upgrade.)
ItO (Introduction to Oryx)
-Introduce to the beauty of desert
-Experience safe driving in sand
-Full safety, convoy and vision briefing.
-Good condition vehicle and tires
-Recovery points front and rear
Driving: (Operation of car)
-Follow instructions
-Control car through flat areas.
Convoy: (Participation/Management)
-Follow instructions
-Maintain safe distance from car in front
(Keep car behind in sight;Signal appropriately if not in sight)
-Follow instructions when being recovered
Junior Oryx
-Begin to learn car
-Begin to learn to read sand, make choices re: line and speed
-Begin to learn convoy multi-tasking (looking front and rear)
-1st aid kit
*Driver must have these BEFORE he/she can be upgraded to ORYX level.
Driving: (Operation of car)
-Control car through flat areas, small climbs, small bowls
-Perform straight -cresting
-Perform side-sloping
-Side-cresting (small dune)
-Develop knowledge of car (4H/4L)
-Develop ability (1) to move car safely through variety of terrains (2)
(1) follow tracks, straight crest
(2) flat sand, small dunes
Convoy: (Participation/Management)
-Develop safe convoy participation, including:
- Keeping safe distance from car in front
- Keeping car behind in sight
- Appropriate use of radio
-Observe recoveries and pop-out repair
-Practice self-recovery with instruction
-Participate safely in being recovered
-Perform simple recoveries with supervision and pop-out repair with supervision
“Bridge” level training trips.
-pressure gauge
-jack / plate
-fire extinguisher
-rated snatch strap
-2x rated Shackles
*Driver must have these BEFORE he/she can be upgraded to senior ORYX level.
Driving: (Operation of car)
- Develop use of 4H/4L
- Develop ability to move car safely through variety of terrains
- Side-sloping (small/medium dunes)
- Side-cresting (small dunes)
- Safely drive bowl rim
- Climbs & bowls (medium dunes)
Convoy: (Participation/Management)
-Refine/Master safe convoy participation (incl. appropriate use of radio)
-Perform recoveries and pop-out repair with supervision
-Develop ability to self-recover
-Observe tricky recoveries , perform tricky recoveries with supervision
Senior Oryx
-Develop/Refine knowledge/use of car
-Develop/Refine ability to read sand, make good choices re: line and speed
-Slightly alter route as proper for driver’s vehicle.
-Actively support convoy management
-Tool kit*
-Offroad GPS*
*Driver must have these BEFORE he/she can be upgraded to Marshal.
Driving: (Operation of car)
-Refine/Master use of 4H/4L
-Refine ability to move car safely through variety of terrains
-Develop/master ability to side-slope /side-crest (large dunes)
-Exit tricky bowl
-Choose proper track according to vehicle
-Develop/Master use of GPS
-Drive in LIWA 
Convoy: (Participation/Management)
-Master safe convoy participation
-Receive training and serve as 2nd-lead (incl park on crest and coach others over)
-Receive training on how to lead / sweep
-Serve as 1st lead, 2nd lead and/or sweeper
-Plan and run Junior /ORYX/Senior trips with supervision
-Master ability to self-recover
-Perform/master basic and tricky recoveries with supervision(*)
-Supervise basic recoveries
(*) straight crest stuck; judge front vs back recovery.
side crest stuck; judge safe recovery angle; winch vs strap.
-Actively manage convoys
-Being a rules model
Driving: (Operation of car)
-Master all the above
Convoy: (Participation/Management)
Plan and run trips independently
-Master all the above
-Hand-on during the trips with the team
Possible Fast-track considerations (not for Marshal Level):
• Participation in other offroading club(s)
SAFETY: Seat Belts and Car Seats |
Posted by: Ritter - 12-29-2013, 11:39 AM - Forum: General Information
- Replies (2)
SAFETY: Seat Belts and Car Seats
Offroading in the desert is a fun hobby and it's a great thing to take the family for. Safety should always be our first priority. Marshals teach safe driving skills, safe recovery skills, and pick a safe track that is appropriate for the drivers. But these are not the number one, first place, most important thing to do for safety. The number one thing for safety is....
Even if it's your first time coming to the desert and you have no experience or equipment, that's okay... but everyone must have a seat belt! Drivers or passengers who do not have seat belts or appropriate child seats will be sent back to the tarmac with no sand under their tires.
We all want to enjoy the desert with our families and friends. We should follow the most basic safety precautions to ensure that everyone has a nice day and goes home with no headache.
Please ensure that you have ENOUGH WORKING SEAT BELTS for all in your vehicle.