Introduction to ORYX4x4 (structure, approach, Rubric, equipment, etc)
This doesn't replace the old ITO booklet - it's a different context.

However I fully agree - currently looking to clean up the ITO book also and will upload when done. Might take some time though.


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Jack | JLM00 | JKU | 0502361640
excellent work ,

for the flag discussion i do agree with those who are willing to give them time to buy , becoz i still remember i took too much time to find a flag as i even dont know proper offroad shops as well, once i found it that problem was to mount it on the car, and finally i ended up on fish road,,,

another point is that for the entry level trips normally marshals or support persons are standing on the straight crest so it would not be a problem when they are guiding one by one to cross the crest,,, so i think Flag discount is fine for few trips,,,


I was driving last time with a different group and i saw all of them with same flag. If most of us agree with buying flag i can negotiate with some suppliers

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(10-31-2016, 09:05 PM)abdullah1234 Wrote: I was driving last time with a different group and i saw all of them with same flag. If most of us agree with buying flag i can negotiate with some suppliers

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Is this a suggestion or a business deal Smile

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Suggestion bro..

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(11-06-2016, 10:21 AM)abdullah1234 Wrote: Suggestion bro..

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Just kidding,

But i really liked your idea of having same flags and even shirts but its only possible when we have members who are full dedicated to the club and love the club.

I have a suggestions to the marshals that in next marshal meeting they raise this point as well that how they can improve the club so people start loving it... and love is something which you cant bring it by force.

For now its actually divided into two major groups,

1. Sand lovers ( they dont care they are driving with oryx or any other club as their focus is sand only

2. Those who are dedicated to the club and they are very few in numbers,

My point is that we should focus on this 2nd one to make an examples for the others so the 1st type of group forced by heart to join this 2nd group.... and off-course thats only possible when we will raise the standard.. when i use the word RAISE the standard than i am sure few egoistic people will mind this as well that we are doing this since years and i just joined and i am suggesting them something who are doing this since years..... no need to be egoistic, we must have to bring some major changes if really you want to shine this club among the best club in UAE, other wise since many years this is happening as well that people join ORYX in start and very soon they fly to other clubs as well, they will not go if we bring some major changes ....

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Dear Rainbow,

Pls do not corrupt the ppl and dont use politics u should be very aware that since u started driving with the previous club i have been telling you about oryx.

Im really not happy with suggestion and i will spk to admins if they have problem ppl drivig with othr clubs.

Im a sand lover and whenever who ever post a trip first i registr.

Again not happy with ur suggestion as u r pointing directly to me

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Dear all

we are an open club where everybody can say in a friendly way what he / she has to say.

@ rainbow
We are happy to listen to you. Please open an extra suggestion topic in the forum "club discussion"
This forum is the wrong one.

When you did it, be more specific please.
What exactly you suggest.

@ abdullah 1234
I like your idea of the flags. Please can you open a topic for it in "club discussion" as well ?
Maybe you have already an idea of prices. We had the topic with flags before but it fall asleep i guess.

Thank you guys
(11-06-2016, 12:09 PM)abdullah1234 Wrote: Dear Rainbow,

Pls do not corrupt the ppl and dont use politics u should be very aware that since u started driving with the previous club i have been telling you about oryx.

Im really not happy with suggestion and i will spk to admins if they have problem ppl drivig with othr clubs.

Im a sand lover and whenever who ever post a trip first i registr.

Again not happy with ur suggestion as u r pointing directly to me

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Not at all my friend, which point you felt its pointing at you ? Maybe i can clear you.

2ndly driving with others club or make your own new club is not prohibited at all in ORYX, actually ORYX is your own club, just need the feelings to own it,

Your idea for the flag i welcomed as well and added shirts as well, i drove with almost4x4 and they have all same club flags. So i added shirts to go one more step ahead of it, dont want to copy anyone style.

Sand lover and dedicated to the club is not at all pointing on you, this is a general categorization of the club members. I gave you an example you will come to drive with oryx in two conditions only, either you are totally new to the sand and wants offroad and came to know somehow about oryx and joined it to learn as a newbie, or you can come from other clubs where you were driving before same like my case, and enroll in ORYX. So my suggestion was that once you came to oryx by somehow either from a newbie or from some other club, now its the duty of the 2nd group which i called them by dedicated to the club members to give you love care and friendship that in your next drive you prefer oryx upon others club, its not by force or rules or any other conditions it will come from your heart. This is what i was trying to say, and once again i was not pointing at you at all, as your are not the only one driving in other clubs, most of us who have a little experience they are experiencing new clubs, so when you are experiencing any club i just want to make sure that experience will be such a nice and memorable that you wish by heart to drive one more and than again one more and more and it will not stop.. and i mentioned it as well that it will not come by force or by putting limitations, or conditions or restrictions... it will come by your own heart,

If you got offended by the word business deal than i hope so you will understand it was as a joke bcoz even if we say it a business deal than how much ones can earn from a flag deals... so it was just a pure sense of humor, anyhow still you got offended by any word than i seek apology for it and honestly i didnt mean that at all to hurt you or others, it was a pure joke.

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(11-06-2016, 12:50 PM)Bavarius Wrote: Dear all

we are an open club where everybody can say in a friendly way what he / she has to say.

@ rainbow
We are happy to listen to you. Please open an extra suggestion topic in the forum "club discussion"
This forum is the wrong one.

When you did it, be more specific please.
What exactly you suggest.

@ abdullah 1234
I like your idea of the flags. Please can you open a topic for it in "club discussion" as well ?
Maybe you have already an idea of prices. We had the topic with flags before but it fall asleep i guess.

Thank you guys

Sorry bavarius, next time i will care to open a new thread for the discussion...

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